Saturday, May 16, 2009

Governor Limits for multi-tenant communities

I don’t like rules, especially when I am caught by the cops on the highway going over the speed limit, on the other hand I’m glad people stop on red lights and drive on the correct side of the road.

There are some laws that are required to prevent chaos. Can you imagine if people could drive on the roads as fast, in any direction and in any vehicle they pleased? Imagine being run over in a red light by a “monster truck” just because they did not want to wait? Or having to avoid oncoming traffic in the lane you are driving? There has to be some order and some rules to protect our rights in the communities we live.

Fortunately, there are rules, but usually those who do not follow them (even due to ignorance) are heavily fined. In a perfect society, we would be politely reminded if any of our actions could affect other community members and possibly prevent us from doing those actions that could affect others.

The applications we develop for run on a multi-tenant community, and we have rules that protect us from other community member’s actions, and to protect them from our actions. These rules are collectively known as Governor Limits!

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